Section 1. Henceforth, the Stucco Task Force shall be known as the Florida Lath & Plaster Bureau, a division of the Florida Concrete & Products Association. There shall be four (4) classifications of voting, dues-paying memberships to be known as: (a) Manufacturing Members (shall include manufacturers of plaster related materials), and (b) Contractor Members (shall include Home Builders, General Contractors, and Plastering Subcontractors), (c) Professional Members (shall include Architects, Engineers and Consultants), and (d) Distributor Members (shall include distributors and suppliers of plaster related products).
A non-voting, non-dues paying classification is established for Building Officials (shall include building officials and other governmental employees). An additional classification is established for a ‘Member Emeritus’ who may be granted a non-voting, non-dues paying membership, as voted upon by the Board of Directors, in perpetuity to a current member individual upon their retirement.) The fiscal year shall be from June 1st to May 31st.
Section 2. The purposes of the Florida Lath & Plaster Bureau shall be to preserve and promote the use of traditional Portland Cement-based Plaster in Florida by providing technical support and education for Contractors, Home Builders, Building Officials, Architects, Engineers, and Producers; and to promote expertise to the development of Industry Codes and Standards.
Section 3. Membership shall be open to all interested individuals as defined in Section1 above. Voting rights shall be limited to one (1) vote per Member Company or entity (except Member Emeritus), with the voting member designated by the company at the beginning of each fiscal year. In order to prevent dominance of any particular segment of the industry, a balance of membership classes with voting rights shall be maintained as follows in Section 4 below. A company may have multiple employees engaged in the activities of the Bureau; however, a single vote will be given to each company or individual for the election of a Board of Directors.
Section 4. The Bureau and its activities shall be governed by a Board of Directors under the following conditions: The Florida Lath & Plaster Bureau shall have a Governing Board of ten (10) members, at least two (2) of which shall be Manufacturing Members. The Board shall consist of the following offices: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and six (6) at-large members of the Bureau. The Board of Directors will be made up of members representing the four (4) voting groups (as designated in Section 1 above) as (a) Manufacturing, (b) Contractor (c) Professional, and (d) Distributor.
No group will represent more than 40% of the Board positions. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and At Large position will be elected by the Board of Directors to a two (2) year term.
Section 5. The Board of Directors will serve as a nominating committee which shall convene in April every other year for the purpose of electing membership of the Governing Board for the upcoming two-year term. The nominating committee will receive potential nominations from the membership of the Bureau and will prepare a ballot for the election of Directors.
Section 6. The Florida Lath & Plaster Bureau shall adopt policies and procedures to govern the activities of the Bureau. No policy or procedure adopted by the Bureau shall be in conflict with the Articles of Incorporation of the Association or these bylaws.
Section 7. Administrative support for the Florida Lath & Plaster Bureau will be the responsibility of the President of the Florida Concrete & Products Association and the Board of Directors of the Bureau. The President will ensure the autonomy and viability of the Bureau and will provide reports regarding the activities of the viability of the Bureau and will provide reports regarding the activities of the Bureau to the Executive Committee of the Florida Concrete & Products Association as necessary.
Section 8. The budget of the Florida Lath & Plaster Bureau shall be funded through the dues structure of the Bureau as a committee of the Florida Concrete & Products Association and other such funds as may be designated by the Florida Concrete & Products Association for use by the Florida Lath &Plaster Bureau.
Administration of the budget and all financial related activities will be the responsibility of the staff of the Florida Concrete & Products Association. Annual dues shall be set by the Board of Directors and must be received by June 31st. The dues structure shall be as follows:
Manufacturing Members: $500/year
Contractor Members: $250/year
Professional Members: $250/year
Distributor Members: $250/year
Building Officials: no dues
Member Emeritus: no dues
The per annum rates for any or all membership categories may be changed at any time by a two-thirds majority of the members present. Such changes in the dues rates shall take effect at the start of the next fiscal year. Section 9. The Board of Directors of the Bureau shall hold quarterly meetings, no more than twenty-five (25) percent of which shall be through teleconference. At least fifty (50) percent plus one (1) of the Board of Directors of the Bureau must be present to constitute a quorum. An emergency meeting may be convened upon the call of the Chairman with reasonable notice.